I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up.
I'm consoled by the words of Stephen Fry, paraphrasing Oscar Wilde:
"If you want to be a grocer, or a general, or a politician, or a judge, you will invariably become it. That is your punishment. If you never know what you want to be... if each day you are unsure of who you are and what you know, you will never become anything. And that is your reward."
What I'm up to...
I'm currently working with Med'Equali, an NGO working in northern Greece that provides free health care to people on the move, including refugees, asylum seekers and displaced people.
While I help out with some communications and logistical support, it's been fun to work alongside my fiancΓ©, Grace, who is Medical Coordinator.
Before that...
Prior to arriving in Greece, we spent 3 glorious months living and working in Murphy's Bar, in the village of Brandon, County Kerry, Ireland.
In my completely biased opinion, it's the greatest pub in the world.

Career-y things...
Before all this, I spent the prior 5+ years making ads.
Here are some of the campaigns I've worked on...
Uber Taxi - Uber (Hong Kong)
Hailing a cab in Hong Kong can be a battle. You can skip the kung fu with Uber Taxi.
π’ Agency: Special Group
City Hunter - Uber Eats (Japan) & Netflix
During the release of the film City Hunter, we partnered with Netflix to promote Uber Eats.
π’ Agency: Special Group, π₯ Production: TYO
Come Down for Air - Tourism Tasmania
We invited Aussies to escape the stresses of modern life and visit Tasmania.
π’ Agency: BMF, π₯ Production: FINCH
Spread The Merry - Australia Post
During the first Christmas without lockdowns, we told a festive homecoming story for Australia Post.
π’ Agency: The Monkeys, π₯ Production: FINCH
How's Your Head Today? - Australian Government
During the pandemic, we encouraged Australians to connect with mental health services.
π’ Agency: BMF, π₯ Production: Buck
Catfish - Barista Bros (Coca-Cola)
Catfish have the most tastebuds in the animal kingdom, all the more to enjoy iced coffee.
π’ Agency: BMF, π₯ Production: Rabbit